Termékek dobozok és (275)

Rozsdamentes acél gyűrű

Rozsdamentes acél gyűrű

La reggia in acciaio viene utilizzata per assicurare i carichi pesanti tramite l'utilizzo di un sigillo e di un apparecchio pneumatico che garantisce la sicurezza per carichi di grosse dimensioni e peso. Se già utilizzate questo tipo di imballaggio contattateci per un preventivo oppure per una consulenza tecnica gratuita


I tubi in cartone che forniamo hanno svariati usi cioè possono essere utilizzati per avvolgere carta, etichette, buste in plastica, film plastici planari, oppure anche essere utilizzate come rinforzo quindi come “pilastri” all'interno di scatole dal contenuto pesante come ad esempio i metalli. Sono realizzabili a seconda dell'esigenza in vari spessori e lunghezza di taglio variabile, nelle colorazioni avana e bianchi
4 pontos ragasztó doboz

4 pontos ragasztó doboz

La scatola quattro punti colla nasce dall'esigenza di avere pronto un fondo è un coperchio dove riporre all'interno le proprie merci, senza dover utilizzare il nostro adesivo per la chiusura. E tipicamente un tipo di imballaggio che viene utilizzato per i fiori recisi, ma che trova applicazione anche nel settore dell'abbigliamento piuttosto che dell’oggettistica. Facilmente personalizzabile con il vostro logo aziendale
Antitaccheggio szalag

Antitaccheggio szalag

Se avete necessità di impedire l'apertura delle vostre scatole da parte di terzi, questa è la soluzione che fa per voi! Si tratta di un nastro con un particolare adesivo che una volta applicato per la chiusura della scatola non può più essere rimosso.Un tentativo di rimozione del nastro porta al danneggiamento della scatola e quindi potrete essere sicuri al 100% che i vostri pacchi non siano in nessun modo aperti durante il loro trasporto
Peremlapokhoz készült hullámkarton

Peremlapokhoz készült hullámkarton

I fogli perimetrali sono fogli che dispongono di linee di piegatura e permettono un facile rivestimento di profili con lo scopo di protezione della merce.possono essere personalizzati con il vostro marchio aziendale
Semleges avana ragasztószalagok

Semleges avana ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi avana senza stampa, per chi deve chiudere scatole destinate ad essere stoccate in ambienti asciutti, in ambienti umidi, in ambienti aggressivi al di sotto dello zero come la surgelazione
Tekercses papír

Tekercses papír

Carta in rotoli da riempimento forniti in bobine da srotolare secondo il metraggio desiderato.
Tripla hullámos "Octabin"

Tripla hullámos "Octabin"

Principalmente utilizzato per chi deve spedire la propria merce in nave quindi in ambienti molto aggressivi dal punto di vista dell'umidità e per le aziende che devono spedire alla rinfusa merci ingombranti con un peso considerevole. Tali imballi hanno una forma rettangolare oppure anche ottagonale a seconda delle necessità e dei prodotti contenuti all'interno
Önszerelő doboz

Önszerelő doboz

La scatola automontante viene utilizzata soprattutto per chi deve spedire all'interno di un piccolo spazio la propria merce quindi solitamente si usa per gli articoli di piccole dimensioni, come gli accessori, può essere personalizzato con il vostro brand


Carta in fogli da riempimento in modulo continuo con pretaglio, da fornire a pacchi oppure in scatola con facile estrazione
Fehér semleges ragasztószalagok

Fehér semleges ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi bianchi senza stampa, per chi deve chiudere scatole destinate ad essere stoccate in ambienti asciutti, in ambienti umidi, in ambienti aggressivi al di sotto dello zero come la surgelazione
Canaline kartonban

Canaline kartonban

Canaline in cartone teso, realizzate con materiale rigido reciclabile 100%, utili per proteggere profili, tavoli, finestre, più in generale tutto ciò che è planare, che ha necessità di essere protetto da raschi ed urti
Színes ragasztószalagok

Színes ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi disponibili in vari colori: rosso, blu, giallo utili per distinguere le varie tipologie di merce all'interno dei propri magazzini, o per la differenziazione dei rifiuti
semleges amerikai doboz

semleges amerikai doboz

La scatola più conosciuta al mondo, la scatola modello americano, utile per svariati usi legati alla spedizione delle proprie merci, una scatola economica per tutti gli usi
Hordozható gyümölcs- és zöldségkosarak merev kartonból

Hordozható gyümölcs- és zöldségkosarak merev kartonból

Le vaschette in ortofrutta in cartoncino teso sono idonee al contatto per alimenti e possono essere personalizzate con una stampa pregiata come la stampa offset quindi una risoluzione fotografica, fornibili stese da montare oppure gia montate pronto uso
Személyre szabott ragasztószalagok

Személyre szabott ragasztószalagok

Nastri adesivi disponibili nelle tre colorazioni base: trasparente, bianco, avana con possibilità di personalizzazione con il marchio e il logo della vostra azienda anche utilizzando più colori
ROLL AIR BOXER TŰZŐGÉP - Pneumatikus tűzőgép magas termeléshez. Tűk mm 35/15, 35/19, 35/22

ROLL AIR BOXER TŰZŐGÉP - Pneumatikus tűzőgép magas termeléshez. Tűk mm 35/15, 35/19, 35/22

The pneumatic stapler ROLL is employed for the sealing the top part of cardboard boxes. It is provided with a coil magazine. The number of staples the fastener can contain is therefore quite high (1,000 for coil) and work can be accomplished in a faster way. They are equipped with the stitch depth adjustment and use points with width mm. 35 and depth mm. 15-19-22. The stapler use AR1 type staples only, characterised by their inclined shape. The tool is available in three versions in order to be able to seal cartons of any width. Usable staples:mm 35/15 - 35/19 - 35/22 Magazine capacity:1000 staples Dimensions:mm. 200 x 95 x 210 h Air pressure:6 atm
Félautomata pántológép FP8022 - Félautomata pántológépek dobozokhoz

Félautomata pántológép FP8022 - Félautomata pántológépek dobozokhoz

The semi-automatic strapping machines are ideal for tying boxes, packages, bundles, etc. in warehouses, workshops, supermarkets and anywhere there safe packing is needed. The plastic strap helps to reinforce the packaging and ensure ligation. The printed strap is also available. If placed around the packaging, the strap is a valuable burglar resistant tool, if the package is opened it can not be closed with the same type of strap. The model FP8022 allows to strap the product with minimum size of 60x60x10 mm and it uses strap with width 6-9-12 mm and with max thickness of 0,6 mm. Strap width:mm. 6- 9- 12 Strap thickness:mm. 0,5-0,6 Air pressure:6/7 bar Air consumpt:12 Lt. / sec Weight:85 Kg
Félautomata pántológép FP8023 - Félautomata pántológépek dobozokhoz

Félautomata pántológép FP8023 - Félautomata pántológépek dobozokhoz

The semi-automatic strapping machines are ideal for tying boxes, packages, bundles, etc. in warehouses, workshops, supermarkets and anywhere there safe packing is needed. The plastic strap helps to reinforce the packaging and ensure ligation. The printed strap is also available. If placed around the packaging, the strap is a valuable burglar resistant tool, if the package is opened it can not be closed with the same type of strap Strap width:mm. 5 – 9 – 12 Strap thickness:mm. 0,5-0,6 Air pressure:6/7 bar Air consumpt:12 Lt. / sec Weight:100 Kg
Félautomata gumi csomagoló gép FP BOX TYRES - Dobozos stretch csomagoló gépek

Félautomata gumi csomagoló gép FP BOX TYRES - Dobozos stretch csomagoló gépek

Wrapping machine semi-automatic with turntable mod. FP BOX - TIRES, suitable to the winding of tires coupled with internal diameters from 300 mm to 500 mm. The rotation of the table is motorized, activated by the pedal and with adjustable speed; the movement of ascent / descent coil is manual with reel holder counterweighted. The machine is equipped with the compressed air device by drive via lever valve for centering and locking of the wheels, consisting of two jaws which are installed on the expansion of extractable pins. To lock and unlock the tires is sufficient to drive the valve lever. The group expansion is raised by about 150 mm. from the plane table. Load:200 Kg Internal tyres diameter:da mm. 300 a 500 (adjustable) Turmtable diameter:Max mm. 1000 Max package dimensions:mm. 800 x 800 x 1000 h Height from the floor:mm. 700 Power:Kw 0,37 Weight:200 Kg Dimensions:1600x1000x1800 h
Félautomata fóliázó gép dobozokhoz FP BOX - Doboz fóliázó gépek

Félautomata fóliázó gép dobozokhoz FP BOX - Doboz fóliázó gépek

Semi-automatic wrapping machine mod. FP BOX with rotating table, suitable for wrapping boxes and small packages. The rotation of the table is motorized, activated by the pedal and with adjustable speed; the movement of ascent / descent coil is manual with reel holder counterweighted. The standard table has the turntable completely smooth. You can request the non-slip rubber coating or different locking systems of the pack. Current promotion: The FPBOX wrapping machine for boxes is supplied with a free inverter that allows the adjustment of the rotation speed of the rotary table from 10 to 20 rpm Max load weight:200 Kg Turntable diameter:mm. 1000 Max. load size:mm. 800 x 800 x 1000 h Film roll size:manual film diam. max mm. 140 Electrical supply:220 V. 50 Hz Installed power:Kw 0,37 Weight:200 Kg machine size :1600x1000x1800 h
ROSTFÉM MULTIFUNKCIONÁLIS MÉRLEG FP AGS - Teljesen rozsdamentes acélból készült mérlegek, nedves környezetben való használatra alkalmasak

ROSTFÉM MULTIFUNKCIONÁLIS MÉRLEG FP AGS - Teljesen rozsdamentes acélból készült mérlegek, nedves környezetben való használatra alkalmasak

Multifunction scales with fully stainless steel structure with degree of protection IP65, suitable for being used in humid environments. Equipped with waterproof keyboard immune to dust and splashes with diplay 18 mm LCD backlit 4-digit legible. The weighing plate measuring 210x210 mm and is easily washable. Power is supplied via external network power supply included or rechargeable batteries (not included). Weight about 3 kg. FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE: Tare M + weighted summation Total weighted MR Units External calibration AutoFF Signal Low Battery Example model:FPAGS6 Load :6 kg Standard division :0,2 g Division CE-M:2 g Dimensions :mm. 310x220x75h Autonomy:100 hours (80 with backlight)
KITERJESZTHETŐ SZÁLLÍTÓSZALAGOK GRL - Kiterjeszthető hengeres szállítószalagok műanyag kerekekkel. Kanyarok akár 180°-ig

KITERJESZTHETŐ SZÁLLÍTÓSZALAGOK GRL - Kiterjeszthető hengeres szállítószalagok műanyag kerekekkel. Kanyarok akár 180°-ig

Extendable roller conveyors with plastic wheels and galvanized steel pantograph structure for handling boxes, cassettes and packages with a flat base. They are normally positioned at the outlet of packaging machines and taping machines for the accumulation of packages and allow to realize different forms of route with curves up to 180 ° (depends on the length of the roller conveyor). The roller conveyors are equipped with supports with wheels with brakes and they are easily extendable and resealable, they can thus be moved and stretched, taking up very little space when not used. The movement of the boxes occurs by gravity and the box stopper terminal (included) avoid the fall. The roller conveyors with width mm. 800 are equipped with central pantograph to make the structure more robust. Standard supports are adjustable in height from mm. 650 to mm. 900 but on request you can have supports with height mm. 450-650 (same cost) or mm. 950-1250 with increase. Extendable roller :Plastic rollers with ball bearings Bearing structure :Galvanized steel Supports (STD) :Adjustable in height da mm. 650 a 900 Wheels :In rubber with diameter mm. 80 with brake Roller type :2 modules - minimum length 1000 - maximum length 3000 - 3 supports Roller type:3 modules - minimum length 1400 - maximum length 4500 - 4 supports Roller type:4 modules - minimum length 1800 - maximum length 6000 - 5 supports Roller type:5 modules - minimum length 2200 - maximum length 7500 - 6 supports Roller type:6 modules - minimum length 2600 - maximum length 9000 - 7 supports Orderable width (mm):500 - 650 - 800 Capacity (Kg/mt) :30
GEM F SOROZAT - Kézi beállítással és automatikus fedélzáróval ellátott ragasztógép.

GEM F SOROZAT - Kézi beállítással és automatikus fedélzáróval ellátott ragasztógép.

GEM F470 - F520 - F670 CARTON SEALERS WITH MANUAL ADJUSTMENT - AUTOMATIC FLAP CLOSER AND SIDE DRIVE BELTS Carton sealer with manual dimensioning and and automatic flap closer. It folds automatically the four upper flaps and seals with auto-adhesive tape the top and bottom of batches of uniform size, American-type boxes. The upper taping unit has a patented system which, by regulating a spring, enables the subsequent weight on the box to be preset and therefore any differences in height of the boxes to be absorbed. The boxes are fed by lateral conveyor belts, driven by a single motor thus optimising even sliding of the boxes and ensuring perfect alignment of the upper and lower flaps which in turn guarantees perfect sealing. Example model:GEM F470 Boxes width min:mm 100 Boxes width max:mm 520 Boxes lenght min:mm 150 Boxes lenght max:mm 600 Boxes eight min:mm 100 Boxes eight max:mm 670 Tape width:mm 50 (75 option) Operation speed:22 m/min Compressed air:6 Bar Air consumption:2,5 Nl
BIG 100 INOX LIFTER - Akkumulátoros mini-emelők, amelyek rendkívül kezelhetők. Teherbírás Kg 100/200

BIG 100 INOX LIFTER - Akkumulátoros mini-emelők, amelyek rendkívül kezelhetők. Teherbírás Kg 100/200

Lift height mm 1500/2000. Stainless steel version. Forklift with manual operation and battery-lifting, with aluminum upright to guarantee lightness and great maneuverability. The frame is made of AISI 304 stainless steel and the thermoformed ABS hood guarantees hygiene and safety in hazardous environments. Practical and handy it is very useful for lifting loads up to 100/200 kg to a height of mm. 1500 or 2000, depending on the model. Depending on the optional mounted, it can be used to lift boxes, moving coils or hook products with "GX hook". The low structure allows it to fit under standard pallets and reach reels or boxes positioned in the center of the pallet. It comes complete with two 12 V/40 Ah batteries. Example model:BIG 100/150 INOX Load:100 Kg Lifting height:1500 mm Riser height:1920 mm Batteries:2x12 V/ 40 Ah Dimensions:560x1000x1950 mm
Kézi tűzőgép kartondobozok tetejére ROMABOX - Könnyű és kompakt. Használjon tűzőkapcsokat 35/15 - 35/19 mm.

Kézi tűzőgép kartondobozok tetejére ROMABOX - Könnyű és kompakt. Használjon tűzőkapcsokat 35/15 - 35/19 mm.

Manual stapler, extremely compact and light, suitable for stitching cardboard boxes. Body with a special aluminum alloy and depth/dot shape adjustment. Each model can use two measures of 15 and 19 mm points by simply turning the adjusting device. Staples width:35 mm Charger capacity:100 staples Usable staples:35/15-35/19 mm Weight:Kg. 1,200
Teljesen automatikus pántológép motoros szalagokkal JN85-M - Automatikus pántológépek dobozokhoz

Teljesen automatikus pántológép motoros szalagokkal JN85-M - Automatikus pántológépek dobozokhoz

COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC STRAPPING MACHINE MOD. JN85-M Fully automatic strapping machine with high speed and reliability. The machine is equipped with motorized belts for insertion in packaging lines, aluminum arc with multiple flaps to facilitate the launch of the strap and the subsequent release and electrical system with Omron PLC. The electrical panel of the machine can manage the motorized loading and unloading belts (optional) and allows the use of the strapping machine in lines without operator. Strap width:mm. 9-12 Strap thickness:mm. 0,5-0,65 Reel internal diameter:mm. 200 Power supply:400 V. three-phase Weight:307 Kg


Idler roller conveyors made of a sturdy structure in painted steel, supports with adjustable and height-adjustable feet, galvanized steel rollers with rotation on shielded ball bearings. In this position a convenient and economic box holder has been installed and allows the operator to lock and fill the box in comfort. Once the filling is complete, the operator can detach the box by simply pushing it forward. Dimensions min. (LxWxH):150 x 100 x 100 mm Dimensions max. (LxWxH):unlimited x 500 x 500 mm lenght:1000 mm height:mm. 1000 working height:650 mm Weight:125 kg Belt Drive:left and right
ROSTFRENNER ACÉL FORGATÓK - Forgóasztalok termékek felhalmozására, elérhetőek homorú, domború és lapos kivitelben

ROSTFRENNER ACÉL FORGATÓK - Forgóasztalok termékek felhalmozására, elérhetőek homorú, domború és lapos kivitelben

ACCUMULATION ROTATING TABLE IN STAINLESS STEEL AISI 304 The rotary table of accumulation is generally used in the final part of the packaging lines and facilitates the discharge of the packs, facilitating the sampling operations by the operator. The stainless tables are available with rotating table diameter from mm. 800 to 1400 mm and exist in concave or convex version (ideal for bags and products that are accumulated) and flat (ideal for bottles, cans and products that can spill). The tables are supplied with adjustable feet up to 40 mm. On request it is possible to have wheels with brakes. Edges and sides stainless steel version The flat stainless steel version is equipped with containment rod while the concave tables do not have containment systems as the products accumulate in the center. The models in flat version can be equipped with double-rod containment, closed side with height 50 cm, exit slide, load system for incoming products Table top diameter:mm. 800-1000-1200-1400 Variable speed:from 4 to 9 rpm/min Installed power:Kw. 0,18 Power supply:380V three-phase Standard height of the top with adjustable feet :mm. 810 (+/- 40 mm)
INGYENES HENGERES SZÁLLÍTÓK D50 P75 STANDARD - szállítók 50 mm átmérőjű hengerekkel, 75 mm-es lépés, közepes és nagy dobozokhoz

INGYENES HENGERES SZÁLLÍTÓK D50 P75 STANDARD - szállítók 50 mm átmérőjű hengerekkel, 75 mm-es lépés, közepes és nagy dobozokhoz

STANDARD MODELS WITH FREE ROLLER DIAM. MM 50 - PITCH MM. 75 FOR MEDIUM AND LARGE PACKAGES Roller conveyors consist of a sturdy structure profiled in painted steel, with supports legs fixable to the floor and adjustable in height, rollers in galvanized steel with rotation on shielded ball bearings. The roller conveyors are built according to the capacity and size of the boxes to be handled. Orderable length (mm) :500 - 1000 - 1500 - 2000 Main structure :heavy duty metal frames Rollers :galvanized steel with ball bearings Rollers diameter (mm) :48 Orderable width (mm) :500 - 650 - 800 - 1000 Load capacity (Kg/m) :70 - 55 - 50 - 70 Adjustable supports :2 (650-850 mm)